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In this talk: Linking the creation of money to the creation of natural wealth
- Bringing carbon back to earth in a scalable and profitable way
- Machine vs nature to solve problems that are “too big to solve”
- Introducing the first inflation proof money in the world and the smart card for payments
*** This talk will be available to watch until April 11th
About the speaker:
Carl Pendragon is an inventor, philosopher and entrepreneur, with 25 years’ experience in energy markets. During the 1990s, Carl disrupted electricity markets where competition was slow to take hold after demonopolization. In 2009, he started to search for a solution to permanently stop climate change, which resulted in the concept, technology and platform Skymining.
At the core of Carl’s work lies the insight that is not enough to slow down climate change – we have to take action to reverse it. As such, Skymining reverses the flow of carbon; sending carbon from the atmosphere back to the earth. The reversed flow is then used to produce carbon negative fuel replacing fossil fuels, organic food and renewable fibers, while restoring degraded ecosystems.There is enough carbon in the sky to completely solve the problems of fossil fuel replacement, food security, soil degradation and climate change. There is enough wealth in the sky to make Skymining profitable for everyone and to eradicate poverty forever.
Rest Of Day #3 Talks
Fennie Wang
Building the tools to enable an Impact Economy
Areti Kampyli
Bringing trust back into the charity sector
Andreas Slettvoll
Monetizing climate positive behavior
Brian Iselin & Hellen Burrows
Removing modern slavery from supply chains
Balazs Nemethi
Cross-border solution for refugees and other groups without trusted identity
Breanna Faye
Bringing team collaboration and engineering production on the next level
Support Our Work – Watch Anytime You Want
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